This figure contains data from three ORBIT experiments where mutant libraries were created with mixtures of targeting oligos (from Twist Biosciences). Data figures were made in R notebooks and exported as pdfs. Cosmetic improvements were made in Adobe Illustrator. Note the diagram for Figures 8A was made in Adobe Illustrator.
See related code notebooks:
Supplemental figures
Twist oligo design
Mutant library characterization
Twist TO abundance
Setup packages and plotting for the notebook:
# Check packages
# Load packages
# Code display options
knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60),tidy=FALSE, echo = TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.retina = 2)
# Load plotting tools
#Modify the plot theme
df_read_nearest_down <- read_csv('../../data/seq_data/left_side_TO_libs/df_read_nearest_left.csv')
df_read_nearest_up <- read_csv('../../data/seq_data/right_side_TO_libs/df_read_nearest_right.csv')
df_read_nearest_up_down <- bind_rows(df_read_nearest_up %>% mutate(up_down = 'up'),df_read_nearest_down %>% mutate(up_down = 'down')) %>%
mutate(off_target = ifelse(min_val >500, T, F)) %>%
mutate(perfect = ifelse(min_val == 0, T, F))
## # A tibble: 536,686 × 15
## seqnames strand cigar qwidth start end width njunc lib read_…¹ gene_id
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 U00096.3 - 79M2S 81 2978946 2.98e6 79 0 0 2979024 lysR
## 2 U00096.3 - 6S47M 53 2095079 2.10e6 47 0 0 2095125 hisA
## 3 U00096.3 + 81M 81 4277913 4.28e6 81 0 0 4277913 soxR
## 4 U00096.3 - 76M 76 3535810 3.54e6 76 0 0 3535885 ompR
## 5 U00096.3 + 2S78M 80 317133 3.17e5 78 0 0 317133 ykgA
## 6 U00096.3 - 51M 51 3059708 3.06e6 51 0 0 3059758 argP
## 7 U00096.3 - 2S30M 32 2095096 2.10e6 30 0 0 2095125 hisA
## 8 U00096.3 - 81M 81 3535805 3.54e6 81 0 0 3535885 ompR
## 9 U00096.3 + 75M 75 4099474 4.10e6 75 0 0 4099474 rhaR
## 10 U00096.3 + 34M2S 36 417811 4.18e5 34 0 0 417811 phoB
## # … with 536,676 more rows, 4 more variables: min_val <dbl>, up_down <chr>,
## # off_target <lgl>, perfect <lgl>, and abbreviated variable name
## # ¹read_start_pos
Let’s look at both up and down junctions and see how many of the reads (that passed filter) are perfect matches to the targeting oligo deletions we designed.
df_read_nearest_up_down_annot <- df_read_nearest_up_down %>%
filter(lib >0) %>%
mutate(status = paste0('off_',off_target, '_p_',perfect)) %>%
mutate(status = fct_relevel(status, 'off_TRUE_p_FALSE','off_FALSE_p_FALSE','off_FALSE_p_TRUE'))
plot_perfect_reads <- ggplot(df_read_nearest_up_down_annot, aes(x = factor(lib), fill = status)) +
geom_bar(color = 'black',position = 'fill', linewidth = 0.25) +
scale_x_discrete(breaks = c('1','2','3'),labels = c('#1 short TFs', '#2 long TFs', '#3 small RNAs'))+
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent())+
scale_fill_viridis_d(labels = c('Not perfect >500 bp','Not Perfect <500 bp','Perfect match'), option = 'A') +
labs(y = 'Reads', x = 'Library', fill = NULL) + theme(legend.position = 'bottom')
Let’s calculate the perfect rate (by read) for each library. Let’s separate by the up and downstream junctions to make sure there are no obvious issues.
df_read_nearest_up_down_annot %>% group_by(lib, perfect, up_down) %>% summarise(n=n()) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = 'perfect', values_from = 'n', names_prefix = 'perfect_') %>%
mutate(frac_perfect = perfect_TRUE / (perfect_TRUE + perfect_FALSE))
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
## # Groups: lib [3]
## lib up_down perfect_FALSE perfect_TRUE frac_perfect
## <dbl> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 1 down 1814 71727 0.975
## 2 1 up 2362 118939 0.981
## 3 2 down 2429 48276 0.952
## 4 2 up 3835 93068 0.960
## 5 3 down 2287 51286 0.957
## 6 3 up 2832 72820 0.963
Looks similar to what the plot tells us.
We can also look at the reads assigned to each target gene and ask what fraction of those reads are “perfect.”
df_read_nearest_up_down_annot %>% group_by(lib, gene_id, perfect) %>% summarise(n=n()) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = 'perfect', values_from = 'n', names_prefix = 'perfect_') %>%
mutate(frac_perfect = perfect_TRUE / (perfect_TRUE + perfect_FALSE))
## # A tibble: 387 × 5
## # Groups: lib, gene_id [387]
## lib gene_id perfect_FALSE perfect_TRUE frac_perfect
## <dbl> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 1 alpA 31 3528 0.991
## 2 1 argR 3 453 0.993
## 3 1 ariR 15 149 0.909
## 4 1 arsR 61 553 0.901
## 5 1 asnC 102 979 0.906
## 6 1 bolA 31 2714 0.989
## 7 1 caiF 96 4097 0.977
## 8 1 cedA 41 602 0.936
## 9 1 cspA 38 267 0.875
## 10 1 cspC 25 1476 0.983
## # … with 377 more rows
And let’s get a summary on that - the mean and median perfect rates (by gene) for each library:
df_read_nearest_up_down_annot %>% group_by(lib, gene_id, perfect) %>% summarise(n=n()) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = 'perfect', values_from = 'n', names_prefix = 'perfect_') %>%
mutate(frac_perfect = perfect_TRUE / (perfect_TRUE + perfect_FALSE)) %>% group_by(lib) %>% summarise(mean_perf = mean(frac_perfect, na.rm = T), med_perf = median(frac_perfect, na.rm = T))
## # A tibble: 3 × 3
## lib mean_perf med_perf
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 0.914 0.983
## 2 2 0.928 0.985
## 3 3 0.872 0.978
Looks very good. Now let’s move on to the target centric analysis.
First, let’s find all of the targets that have at least 1 perfect read for both the upstream and downstream junctions. We will consider those targets as “found” (score = 2) and targets that do not have perfect reads will be considered “not found.” (score = 0)
df_TOs <- read_csv("../../../ecoli_ORBIT_paper_final/data/seq_data/right_side_TO_libs/df_TOs.csv")
#Must have at least 1 perfect read
df_read_nearest_all_summary_down <- df_read_nearest_down %>%
filter(min_val == 0) %>%
group_by(lib, gene_id) %>%
summarise( n=n(), min_val = min(min_val, na.rm = T))
df_read_nearest_all_summary_up <- df_read_nearest_up %>%
filter(min_val == 0) %>%
group_by(lib, gene_id) %>%
summarise( n=n(), min_val = min(min_val, na.rm = T))
df_TOs_found_down <- left_join(df_TOs, df_read_nearest_all_summary_down ,by = c('gene'='gene_id', 'lib')) %>%
mutate(found_down = ifelse( &, F, T))
df_TOs_found_up_down <- left_join(df_TOs_found_down, df_read_nearest_all_summary_up, suffix = c('_down','_up') ,by = c('gene'='gene_id', 'lib'))%>%
mutate(found_up = ifelse( &, F, T)) %>%
mutate(found_score = found_down + found_up)
df_TOs_found_up_down %>% group_by(lib, found_score) %>% summarise(n=n())
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
## # Groups: lib [4]
## lib found_score n
## <dbl> <int> <int>
## 1 0 2 27
## 2 1 0 4
## 3 1 1 1
## 4 1 2 69
## 5 2 0 18
## 6 2 1 3
## 7 2 2 205
## 8 3 0 5
## 9 3 1 5
## 10 3 2 83
Let’s express that same data as a plot:
plot_tos <- df_TOs_found_up_down %>%
filter(lib >0) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = factor(lib), fill = factor(found_score))) + geom_bar(position = 'stack', color = 'black', linewidth = 0.25)+
scale_fill_viridis_d( option = 'A', labels = c('Absent','Present in Up or Dn','Present in both')) +
scale_x_discrete(breaks =c('0','1','2','3'),labels = c('#0 oPool','#1 short TFs','#2 long TFs','#3 small RNAs'))+
labs(fill = 'Mutations found', x = "Mutant library", y = '# Designed targeting oligos') + theme(legend.position = 'bottom')
Now let’s look at the absent target genes in more detail. We
categorized these targets both programmatically (essential gene lists)
and manually (inspecting loci) as essential, perturbing or
nonessesnital. See
for details.
df_TOs_found_essential_updated <- read_csv("../../data/high_throughput_experiments/df_TOs_found_essential_updated.csv")
df_TOs_found_essential_updated %>% select(lib, gene, found_down, found_up, found_score, essential, essential_score)
## # A tibble: 420 × 7
## lib gene found_down found_up found_score essential essen…¹
## <dbl> <chr> <lgl> <lgl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 1 alpA TRUE TRUE 2 not essential 0
## 2 1 argR TRUE TRUE 2 probable essential / per… 1
## 3 1 ariR TRUE TRUE 2 not essential 0
## 4 1 arsR TRUE TRUE 2 not essential 0
## 5 1 asnC TRUE TRUE 2 not essential 0
## 6 1 bolA TRUE TRUE 2 not essential 0
## 7 1 caiF TRUE TRUE 2 not essential 0
## 8 1 cedA TRUE TRUE 2 not essential 0
## 9 1 cspA TRUE TRUE 2 not essential 0
## 10 1 cspC TRUE TRUE 2 not essential 0
## # … with 410 more rows, and abbreviated variable name ¹essential_score
Let’s plot this data simply, for the subset of genes that were totally absent from the ORBIT mutant libraries (found_score = 0).
plot_essential <- ggplot(df_TOs_found_essential_updated %>% filter(found_score == 0) %>% mutate(essential = factor(essential, levels = c('essential','probable essential / perturbing','not essential'))),
aes(x = essential)) +
geom_bar(fill = 'light gray')+
labs(y = 'absent target genes')
Let’s look at a specific target gene example from each of the three libraries: soxS, lysR, and mcaS.
First we need to do some housekeeping to setup the plot - read in gene positions, construct gene arrows, and organize reads by length.
df_genes <- read_delim("../../../ecoli_ORBIT_paper_final/data/seq_data/All_instances_of_Genes_in_Escherichia_coli_K-12_substr._MG1655.txt") %>%
mutate(left_pos = `Left-End-Position`, right_pos = `Right-End-Position`) %>%
select(-`Left-End-Position`, -`Right-End-Position`) %>%
mutate(fwd = ifelse(Direction =='+', T, F))
df_genes_lib <- left_join(df_TOs %>% select(lib, 'gene_id'='gene'), df_genes, by = c('gene_id'='Genes'))
df_poly <- df_genes_lib %>%
#filter(right_pos<20000) %>%
pivot_longer(c(left_pos, right_pos), values_to = 'x_pos', names_to = 'left_right') %>%
mutate( y_pos_bottom = 10,y_pos_top = 100, y_pos_center=31.623) %>%
pivot_longer(c(y_pos_bottom,y_pos_top, y_pos_center), values_to = 'y_pos', names_to = 'top_bottom') %>%
mutate(x_pos = ifelse(left_right == 'left_pos' & Direction == '-' & top_bottom !='y_pos_center', x_pos + 50, x_pos)) %>%
mutate(x_pos = ifelse(left_right == 'right_pos' & Direction == '+' & top_bottom !='y_pos_center', x_pos - 50, x_pos)) %>%
mutate(point_num = case_when(left_right == 'left_pos' & top_bottom == 'y_pos_bottom' ~ 1,
left_right == 'left_pos' & top_bottom == 'y_pos_center' ~ 2,
left_right == 'left_pos' & top_bottom == 'y_pos_top' ~ 3,
left_right == 'right_pos' & top_bottom == 'y_pos_top' ~ 4,
left_right == 'right_pos' & top_bottom == 'y_pos_center' ~ 5,
left_right == 'right_pos' & top_bottom == 'y_pos_bottom' ~ 6)) %>%
arrange(gene_id, point_num)
kb_label <- function(x){
# from s to ns
lab <- paste(x / 1000)
df_read_nearest_up_down_org <- df_read_nearest_up_down %>%
arrange(lib, gene_id, up_down, perfect, width ) %>%
group_by(lib, gene_id, up_down, perfect) %>%
mutate(read_num = row_number())
## # A tibble: 536,686 × 16
## # Groups: lib, gene_id, up_down, perfect [1,485]
## seqnames strand cigar qwidth start end width njunc lib read_s…¹ gene_id
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 U00096.3 - 22M 22 568000 568021 22 0 0 568021 acrR
## 2 U00096.3 - 22M 22 568000 568021 22 0 0 568021 acrR
## 3 U00096.3 - 22M 22 568000 568021 22 0 0 568021 acrR
## 4 U00096.3 - 22M 22 568000 568021 22 0 0 568021 acrR
## 5 U00096.3 - 22M 22 568000 568021 22 0 0 568021 acrR
## 6 U00096.3 - 22M 22 568000 568021 22 0 0 568021 acrR
## 7 U00096.3 - 22M 22 568000 568021 22 0 0 568021 acrR
## 8 U00096.3 - 22M 22 568000 568021 22 0 0 568021 acrR
## 9 U00096.3 - 22M 22 568000 568021 22 0 0 568021 acrR
## 10 U00096.3 - 23M 23 508201 508223 23 0 0 508223 acrR
## # … with 536,676 more rows, 5 more variables: min_val <dbl>, up_down <chr>,
## # off_target <lgl>, perfect <lgl>, read_num <int>, and abbreviated variable
## # name ¹read_start_pos
Now let’s actually map the reads onto each gene diagram. We will “rasterise” the read data for avoid plotting thousands of individual objects.
gene_list <- c('soxS', 'lysR','mcaS')
plot_gene_examples <- ggplot()+
geom_polygon(data = df_poly %>% filter(lib >0 & gene_id %in% gene_list)%>% mutate(gene_id = factor(gene_id, levels = gene_list)), aes(x = x_pos, y = y_pos, group = gene_id),fill = 'light gray')+
rasterise(geom_segment(data = df_read_nearest_up_down_org %>% filter(lib >0 & gene_id %in% gene_list) %>% filter(min_val <500) %>% mutate(gene_id = factor(gene_id, levels = gene_list)),
aes(x = start, xend = end, y = read_num, yend = read_num, color = perfect), alpha = 0.25, linewidth = 0.5), dpi = 2000, dev = "cairo")+
labs(x = "Genomic position (Kb)", y = 'Read count')+
scale_x_continuous(labels = kb_label)+
scale_y_log10(limits =c(1, NA))+
scale_color_manual(values = c("#440154FF","#21908CFF"))+
guides(fill = 'none')+
facet_wrap(~gene_id, scales = 'free', ncol = 1,strip.position = 'top') + guides(color = 'none')
And let’s get the actual read statistics for this plot:
# need to exclude the lysR reads in lib#0
df_read_nearest_up_down %>% filter(gene_id %in% gene_list & lib >0) %>%
filter(min_val<=500) %>%
group_by(gene_id, perfect) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = 'perfect', values_from = 'n', names_prefix = 'perfect_') %>%
mutate(n_total = perfect_TRUE + perfect_FALSE, frac_perfect = perfect_TRUE / (perfect_TRUE + perfect_FALSE))
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
## # Groups: gene_id [3]
## gene_id perfect_FALSE perfect_TRUE n_total frac_perfect
## <chr> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 lysR 27 3244 3271 0.992
## 2 mcaS 42 4063 4105 0.990
## 3 soxS 82 9345 9427 0.991
For this genome wide overview, we will make three different plots as sort genome “tracks” and then stack them. First are the designed TOs and they are marked for whether mutants were found or not. Next we have all raw reads displayed (relatively transparent) by whether they are perfect or not. Finally, we have a binned histogram of that read data, making it easier to see the fraction of reads that are imperfect across the library.
plot_to_track <- ggplot(df_TOs_found_essential_updated %>% filter(lib == 2), aes(x = left_oligo_pos, y= found_up, shape = found_up))+
geom_point(fill = NA, alpha = 0.5) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(13,21))+
plot_hist <- ggplot(df_read_nearest_up %>% filter(lib==2) %>% mutate(perfect = ifelse(min_val ==0, T, F))) +
geom_histogram(aes(x =start, fill =perfect ),binwidth=100000,color = 'black', size = 0.25) +
#geom_point(data = df_TOs_found_essential_updated %>% filter(found_up ==T)%>% filter(lib==2), aes(x = left_oligo_pos, y = -500), shape =21, fill = NA, alpha =0.5)+
#geom_point(data = df_TOs_found_essential_updated %>% filter(found_up ==F)%>% filter(lib==2), aes(x = left_oligo_pos, y = -1000 ), shape =13, fill = NA, alpha = 0.5)+
labs(x = "Genomic position (bp)", y = "Reads (in 100kb bin)", fill = 'Perfect match') +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#440154FF","#21908CFF"))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = Mb_label)
#theme(legend.position = 'bottom')
# plot_jitter <- ggplot(df_read_nearest_up %>% filter(lib==2) %>% mutate(perfect = ifelse(min_val ==0, T, F)), aes(x = start, y = perfect, color = perfect)) +
# rasterise(geom_jitter(alpha =0.02, shape = 3, size = 0.5, width = 0), dpi = 5000, dev = "cairo")+
# scale_color_manual(values = c("#440154FF","#21908CFF"))+
# #scale_x_continuous(labels = Mb_label)+
# #scale_y_discrete(labels = c('Off target reads','Perfectly matched reads'))+
# theme_nothing()
plot_jitter <-ggplot(df_read_nearest_up %>% filter(lib==2) %>% mutate(perfect = ifelse(min_val ==0, T, F)), aes(x = start, y = perfect, color = perfect)) +
rasterise(geom_text(label = '|', alpha =0.03, position = position_jitter(width = 0, height = 0.25), size = 2), dpi = 2000, dev = "cairo")+
scale_color_manual(values = c("#440154FF","#21908CFF"))+
#scale_x_continuous(labels = Mb_label)+
#scale_y_discrete(labels = c('Off target reads','Perfectly matched reads'))+
#plot_tos/plot_jitter / plot_hist
#plot_lib_2 <- plot_grid(plot_jitter, plot_hist, align = 'v', axis = 'lr', rel_heights = c(0.3, 1), ncol = 1)
plot_lib_2 <- plot_grid(plot_to_track, plot_jitter, plot_hist, align = 'v', axis = 'lr', rel_heights = c(0.2, 0.33, 1), ncol = 1)
Now let’s go back and look at the total read counts (upstream + downstream) for all the mutants in the three libraries. We will also use this data for the correlation plots in 8H.
## # A tibble: 420 × 28
## lib gene left_o…¹ right…² oligo product go_term n_down min_v…³ found…⁴
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>
## 1 short TFs alpA 2758649 2758836 CTCT… CP4-57… DNA bi… 1622 0 TRUE
## 2 short TFs argR 3384708 3385153 GCAC… DNA-bi… DNA bi… 170 0 TRUE
## 3 short TFs ariR 1216374 1216615 AAAC… putati… protei… 115 0 TRUE
## 4 short TFs arsR 3648533 3648861 TCGA… DNA-bi… transc… 131 0 TRUE
## 5 short TFs asnC 3926565 3926998 TAAA… DNA-bi… protei… 550 0 TRUE
## 6 short TFs bolA 454477 454769 GCGC… DNA-bi… protei… 969 0 TRUE
## 7 short TFs caiF 34305 34675 ACGC… DNA-bi… DNA-bi… 789 0 TRUE
## 8 short TFs cedA 1813441 1813658 GCAA… cell d… DNA bi… 195 0 TRUE
## 9 short TFs cspA 3720054 3720241 TCGC… cold s… nuclei… 80 0 TRUE
## 10 short TFs cspC 1907246 1907430 CACA… stress… nuclei… 339 0 TRUE
## # … with 410 more rows, 18 more variables: n_up <dbl>, min_val_up <dbl>,
## # found_up <lgl>, found_score <dbl>, down_total <dbl>, up_total <dbl>,
## # down_norm <dbl>, up_norm <dbl>, to_abun <dbl>, lib_total <dbl>,
## # to_abun_norm <dbl>, oligo_monomer <dbl>, oligo_homodimer <dbl>,
## # arm_1_duplex <dbl>, arm_2_duplex <dbl>, arm_total_duplex <dbl>,
## # ori_dist <dbl>, del_len <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names
## # ¹left_oligo_pos, ²right_oligo_pos, ³min_val_down, ⁴found_down
Represent the data as boxplots and show individual genes as points.
plot_n_up_down <- ggplot(df_vars %>% filter(lib >0), aes(x = factor(lib), y = n_down + n_up)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_jitter(width = 0.2, height =0, alpha = 0.1, shape =21) +
scale_y_log10(limits = c(NA, NA))+
scale_x_discrete(labels = c('short TFs','long TFs','small RNAs')) +
labs(x = "Library", y = 'Perfect reads per target\n(Upstream & downstream junctions)')
For all these correlations, only the upstream junction read data was used, since that library had higher counts.
First, let’s look at the Twist TO abundance.
df_vars %>%
filter(lib == 'long TFs') %>%
filter(n_up>0 & to_abun>10) %>%
mutate(n_up = log(n_up, 10), to_abun = log(to_abun, 10)) %>%
lm(n_up ~ to_abun, data =.) %>%
## Call:
## lm(formula = n_up ~ to_abun, data = .)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.92039 -0.41289 0.07131 0.45950 1.46334
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.9070 0.7855 -1.155 0.25
## to_abun 1.1040 0.2727 4.048 7.32e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.6259 on 204 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.07437, Adjusted R-squared: 0.06983
## F-statistic: 16.39 on 1 and 204 DF, p-value: 7.322e-05
plot_to_abun <- ggplot(df_vars %>% filter(to_abun >10 & lib=='long TFs'), aes(x = to_abun, y = n_up)) +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm')+
geom_point(shape = 21, alpha = 0.25) +
#scale_x_log10() +
labs(x = 'Reads per oligo', y = 'Perfect reads per target', title = 'Library #2 Long TFs',subtitle = "Reads per target ~ oligo abundance (adj R2 = 0.07, p = 0.00007)")
Next we examine the homology arm free energy.
df_vars %>%
filter(lib == 'long TFs') %>%
filter(n_up>0) %>%
mutate(n_up = log(n_up, 10)) %>%
lm(n_up ~ arm_total_duplex, data =.) %>%
## Call:
## lm(formula = n_up ~ arm_total_duplex, data = .)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.77576 -0.40572 0.08949 0.39535 1.43891
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.800815 0.571063 -1.402 0.162
## arm_total_duplex -0.018644 0.003463 -5.384 1.98e-07 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.6084 on 205 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.1239, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1196
## F-statistic: 28.99 on 1 and 205 DF, p-value: 1.981e-07
plot_hom_energy <- ggplot(df_vars %>% filter(lib == 'long TFs') , aes(x = arm_total_duplex, y = n_up)) +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm')+
geom_point(shape = 21, alpha = 0.25) +
#scale_x_log10() +
labs(x = 'Homology arm free energy (kcal/mol)', y = 'Perfect reads per target', title = 'Library #2 Long TFs',subtitle = "Reads per target ~ homology arm free energy (adj R2 = 0.12, p = 1.98e-7)")
Finally we look at the distance to the origin of replication. We will fit a linear model here just for consistency, but we are only displaying a loess smoothed trend line to show that the ori_dist relationship does not look linear.
df_vars %>%
filter(lib == 'long TFs') %>%
filter(n_up>0) %>%
mutate(n_up = log(n_up, 10)) %>%
lm(n_up ~ ori_dist, data =.) %>%
## Call:
## lm(formula = n_up ~ ori_dist, data = .)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.34970 -0.35669 0.09216 0.43716 1.29633
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 2.472e+00 8.664e-02 28.536 < 2e-16 ***
## ori_dist -1.830e-07 6.585e-08 -2.779 0.00596 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.6381 on 205 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.03631, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0316
## F-statistic: 7.723 on 1 and 205 DF, p-value: 0.005959
plot_ori_dist <- ggplot(df_vars %>% filter(lib == 'long TFs') , aes(x = ori_dist, y = n_up)) +
geom_point(shape = 21, alpha = 0.25) +
scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::label_comma()) +
labs(x = 'Distance to ori (bp)', y = 'Perfect reads per target', title = 'Library #2 Long TFs',subtitle = "smooth")
plot_top <- plot_grid( plot_perfect_reads, plot_tos,NULL,
NULL, NULL, plot_essential,
align = 'hv', axis = 'lr', rel_widths = c(2,2,1), rel_heights = c(1,0.4), ncol = 3, nrow =2)
#save_plot("../../figures/r_pdf_figs/main_figs/fig_8_top.pdf", plot_top, base_width = 5, base_height = 3.25)
plot_lib_2 <- plot_grid(plot_to_track, plot_jitter, plot_hist, align = 'v', axis = 'lr', rel_heights = c(0.2, 0.33, 1), ncol = 1)
plot_middle_pdf <- plot_grid(plot_gene_examples, plot_lib_2, align = 'hv', axis = 'lr', rel_widths = c(1,3), ncol = 2)
#save_plot("../../figures/r_pdf_figs/main_figs/fig_8_middle.pdf", plot_middle_pdf, base_width = 9, base_height = 3)
plot_bottom <- plot_grid(plot_n_up_down, plot_to_abun, plot_hom_energy, plot_ori_dist, align = 'hv', axis = 'tblr', ncol = 4)
#save_plot("../../figures/r_pdf_figs/main_figs/fig_8_bottom.pdf", plot_bottom, base_width = 9, base_height = 2)
## R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Big Sur/Monterey 10.16
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] patchwork_1.1.2 ggrastr_1.0.1 kableExtra_1.3.4 cowplot_1.1.1
## [5] viridis_0.6.2 viridisLite_0.4.1 knitr_1.41 forcats_0.5.2
## [9] stringr_1.5.0 dplyr_1.1.0 purrr_0.3.5 readr_2.1.3
## [13] tidyr_1.2.1 tibble_3.1.8 ggplot2_3.4.0 tidyverse_1.3.2
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] httr_1.4.4 sass_0.4.4 splines_4.2.0
## [4] bit64_4.0.5 vroom_1.6.0 jsonlite_1.8.3
## [7] modelr_0.1.10 bslib_0.4.1 assertthat_0.2.1
## [10] highr_0.9 vipor_0.4.5 googlesheets4_1.0.1
## [13] cellranger_1.1.0 yaml_2.3.6 lattice_0.20-45
## [16] pillar_1.8.1 backports_1.4.1 glue_1.6.2
## [19] digest_0.6.30 rvest_1.0.3 colorspace_2.0-3
## [22] Matrix_1.5-3 htmltools_0.5.4 pkgconfig_2.0.3
## [25] broom_1.0.1 haven_2.5.1 scales_1.2.1
## [28] webshot_0.5.4 svglite_2.1.0 tzdb_0.3.0
## [31] timechange_0.1.1 googledrive_2.0.0 mgcv_1.8-41
## [34] farver_2.1.1 generics_0.1.3 ellipsis_0.3.2
## [37] cachem_1.0.6 withr_2.5.0 cli_3.4.1
## [40] magrittr_2.0.3 crayon_1.5.2 readxl_1.4.1
## [43] evaluate_0.18 fs_1.5.2 fansi_1.0.3
## [46] nlme_3.1-160 xml2_1.3.3 beeswarm_0.4.0
## [49] Cairo_1.6-0 tools_4.2.0 hms_1.1.2
## [52] gargle_1.2.1 lifecycle_1.0.3 munsell_0.5.0
## [55] reprex_2.0.2 compiler_4.2.0 jquerylib_0.1.4
## [58] systemfonts_1.0.4 rlang_1.1.1 grid_4.2.0
## [61] rstudioapi_0.14 labeling_0.4.2 rmarkdown_2.18
## [64] gtable_0.3.1 DBI_1.1.3 R6_2.5.1
## [67] gridExtra_2.3 lubridate_1.9.0 fastmap_1.1.0
## [70] bit_4.0.5 utf8_1.2.2 stringi_1.7.8
## [73] ggbeeswarm_0.7.1 parallel_4.2.0 vctrs_0.5.2
## [76] dbplyr_2.2.1 tidyselect_1.2.0 xfun_0.35